Thursday, December 26, 2013

Very Merry Christmas

We had a wonderful and very Merry Christmas this year.   The boys were all very surprised by their Christmas presents and had fun playing with all their new toys all day.   We just enjoyed the day at home playing all together all day.   It was just a relaxed and wonderful day together.  

Brody felt great on Christmas.  He was not plagued with any aches,  pains,  nausea or vomiting and was full of energy.   We are so thankful for this.  

We are at the hospital now getting chemo and then will soon be headed toward Cincinnati area for some more Christmas fun and visiting family and friends.   We are greatly looking forward to seeing my Uncle Rob in from London,  England.   Needless to say,  we don't get to see him very often.  

Thanks everyone for your continued prayers and support.  And,  we hope all have and are enjoying the happiest of holidays. 

Santa brought the boys an Air Hockey Table

Brody with his new frogs he got for Christmas

Jaden with his New Electric Guitar

Serious Monopoly Game

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

New Chemo Regimen Appears to Be Working..... Yeah!!!

Brody's oncologist was palpitating Brody's belly this morning checking the size of the tumor(s) and he says it may be getting smaller!!  YEAH!!  We will have to wait for scans to be sure but for now, the new chemo regimen appears to be working!   This is the best Christmas present ever!  Praise the Lord!  
Brody is starting week 3 of the new regimen today.   He will be starting week 1 of the next cycle of this regimen next week,  the day after Christmas.   His oncologist plans to give at least 6 weeks total of this regimen before performing a CT scan to check progress.  
Brody has also been feeling better the last few days.   He hasn't been having leg cramps,  shortness of breath,  and much fewer belly pains episodes.   He certainly seems to be getting better rather than worse this week.  
Brody had surgery on Wednesday to replace the stent in his ureter.   The procedure went well.   No complications.   It hurt extremely bad for him to go pee the first couple times after but after that was not so bad.   He says his "pee-pee is fully healed now."
Brody had a cast put on his left foot this week.   He has been having more trouble with his foot drop in his left foot.   He has lost a lot of flexibility in his left foot.  The cast will help stretch everything to regain some flexibility.   He will wear the cast for next 2 weeks and then will get a new one put on that will stretch things further.   Once full range is back he may get an AFO.   He has had one before and hated it so I am not so sure we will do that or not.  
We are all very much looking forward to a wonderful Christmas together.  We will be staying home this year which is great place to be Christmas morning.   We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and thank everyone for all your prayers and support!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Opening Christmas Presents


The First Snowball of the Season

Brody Sledding with His Papaw

Brody Had Fun Playing and Sledding with His Cousins

Brody, Jaden, Geordi, and myself took a trip to my Mom and Dad's for the weekend (Bill had to work).  We had planned to participate in the annual Lebanon Christmas Horse & Carriage Parade.  My parents have miniature horses that are trained to pull little carts.  The carts, horses, and those riding in the parade get all decked out in Christmas decor and lights for the parade.  It's a beautiful parade every year.  This year though there was quite a lot of snow and ice the night before the parade.  We were nervous the horses may get injured trying to pull the cart in the slippery conditions.  Also, the kids were so excited about the snow, it was clear they would rather play in the snow than be in a parade.  So, we opted for playing in the snow instead.  My sister, her husband, and my 3 nieces had come to town for the horse parade too.  We were very happy to get to see them all.  My sister and I, unfortunately, live about 9 to 10 hours away from one another.  Our two families don't get to see each other very often for this reason.  So, we were glad to finally spend some time together and excited that we had a lot of fun snow to play in too.  I just wish the visit could have been longer (and that my poor little niece, Ella, had avoided injury while sledding....She managed get a very bad ankle sprain).   The kids all had a great time playing in the snow and just playing together, in general.  My cousin Shawnda and her 3 kids were able to join us for some sled riding at the park too.  It was nice to see them again too. 

 We also had a little early Christmas celebration with my Mom, Dad, brother, grandma and my sister's family.   We all exchanged Christmas presents this weekend since we won't see each other again until some time after Christmas.  Hopefully, it will be too long until our next family get together.  This one was fun but way too short. 

Brody felt good for most of the weekend.  He did have a few brief instances of significant belly pains, nausea, headache, and leg cramps.  Fortunately, none of the episodes lasted for very long.  His cousins and brothers were also very good about being gentle with him and being very quiet in the morning so he could sleep and get some extra needed rest.  They also helped pull Brody back up the sledding hill in his sled several times too.   Brody did manage to walk all the way up the sledding hill once by himself though. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Brody had a good day today.

Brody felt much better today compared to yesterday.  He had a lot of energy today and not much pain.   His breathing was better too.   He had a great time bowling today with his brothers and friends.  

Video of Brody Bowling

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Change of Plans.... Brody started new chemo regimen today

We arrived at the hospital this morning expecting Brody to receive his usual chemo.   Instead our oncologist surprised us with news of a more encouraging option for right now.   Brody has been taking a chemo regimen that consists of Vinorelabine,  Cyclophosphamide,  and Bevacizumab.    There is a clinical trial that has been running for the last year and half that compares the outcomes of these three agents in kids with rhabdomyosarcoma against Vinorelabine,  cyclophosphamide,  and temsirolimus.   The regimens are pretty much the same except for the difference of Bevacizumab or Temsirolimus.   Our oncologist discovered last night that preliminary results of this trial were just recently released.   It turns out the regimen that contains the temsirolimus was quite significantly more effective against rhabdomyosarcoma.   So today Brody was switched to the regimen containing the temsirolimus instead.   He will be on this regimen instead for the next month and then will get another CT scan to determine if it's working or not.  

In the meantime we are moving forward with steps to enter the trial in Grand Rapids in case this switch is still not effective.  

Brody did well with the new medication today.  He did not have any major problems.   His only complaint is feeling excessively tired.   He could barely keep his eyes open as they were starting it.   This is likely mostly due to the IV benadryl that is given with it to help prevent severe allergic reaction to the temsirolimus.  

Brody has been getting tired for easy these last couple of weeks though and has been having leg pains and belly pains.   These all come and go and the severity varies.   He also gets short of breath very easily.   These are new developments these last few weeks.   They were all signs to us that Brody's tumor may have been gaining ground.   On top of that,  a few weeks ago,  our oncologist felt an area in his abdomen he suspected to be new tumor growth.   He couldn't say for sure until doing the CT scan.   He didn't want to do the CT scan right away at that time though.  He had us wait until the end of Brody's chemo cycle so that a better comparison  between CT scans could be made.   So,  yesterday when we got our very disappointing news,  we were not entirely surprised.   Today,  though I was surprised at how little it took for Brody to become tired and short of breath.  Walking extremely short distances requires Brody to stop and rest to catch his breath.   Walking from a special parking lot for Heme/Onc patients at the hospital to the Heme/Onc office is not a very long walk.   But today,  Brody had to stop,  rest and catch his breath three time to make it there.   I,  of course,  let him walk as slow as he needed to the whole way.   There were not any wheelchairs available at this entrance today and he said his belly and legs hurt when we try to carry him.   It's so scary how fast things can change.  

We have a stroller for Brody but it's not holding up too well.   Brody's weight is a little too much for it.   We decided to go ahead with getting him a pediatric wheelchair instead.   We will be checking them out tomorrow.   Hopefully this regimen he started today is more effective and starts decreasing the size of the tumor(s) quickly.   Hopefully soon,  we won't need the wheelchair and Brody will be back to feeling more like himself.  

Brody has  a surgery and chemo scheduled next week.   He will have surgery next week to replace the stent in his right ureter.   After surgery he will be sent to Heme/Onc for chemo.   He will be released that same day from the hospital/he should not need to stay overnight.   Hopefully,  all goes smooth with this next week.   There is some concern that the tumor may now be in the way too much to be able to successfully replace the stent.   Brody's urologist reviewed the latest CT scan though and still thinks she will be able to do it. 

Thanks everyone for all your prayers and  support.  Please continue to pray for us.  

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bad News Today on CT Scan

We unfortunately have very bad news to share today.  Brody had his CT scan today and the news was not good.  The tumor has gotten significantly larger.  He doesn't really have just one tumor and tumors are not really 2-dimensional so it's hard to explain exactly the change in size.  To give an idea though, an area that has been growing was measuring, in a 2-d way, 4.3cm by 4cm is now measuring 5.62 by 4.21cm.   His last CT scan was 3 months ago. 

The plan for now is to continue with the same chemo regimen for the next few weeks (until just after Christmas).  Then, we will start treatment/clinical trial at DeVoss Children's Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  This is the trial we considered participating in back in late August/Early September when we feared Brody's tumor was getting larger again.  (We had thought Brody's tumor was growing at that time due to sudden worsening of Brody's kidney function after removing the stent in his right ureter.  The stent had been placed originally just before surgery to debulk his tumor.  It was placed only to help protect the ureter during the surgery and not because he was needing it for his kidney function.  So when he suddenly had kidney problems a few weeks after the removal of the stent, we feared that the tumor had grown large enough to block flow through the ureter again.  It turned out back then that this was not the case and instead it was scar tissue in the area from the stent placement that caused the problems.  Brody ended up getting another stent placed in the right ureter and had been doing well... actually, he feels well now still.  Most the time he feels pretty good.  Thank goodness!). 

Anyhow, the name of the trial is "Molecular-Guided Therapy for Relapsed and Refractory Childhood Cancer."  Here is a link to a news story about the trial. 

Our oncologist spoke with team at Helen DeVoss Children's Hospital today.  After speaking with them, our oncologist felt it best to have Brody continue with current regimen for next few weeks.  He said that he was told that once we start with Helen DeVoss Children's Hospital that they will need to re-assess Brody and re-stage him etc etc etc.  This will take a few weeks.  Then the lab that does the testing and analysis on Brody's tumor samples will be closed for the weeks around Christmas and New Year's.  So due to the holidays etc we would end up with Brody being off chemo for significant amount of time getting switched to new regimen.  To minimize the time that Brody would be off chemo entirely, it's best to wait until after Christmas to get started with things in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  Although Brody's tumor is getting bigger on his current regimen, it does at least slow the tumor down.  So, we don't want to be off it longer than necessary before switching to another option. 

We are, of course, very upset about today's news.  There are no words to describe the awfulness of the news today.  I am trying very hard to just concentrate on the things that are going right and trying to stay positive.  You never know, maybe Brody just might come out of this next trial cured of cancer.  Maybe the tumor getting bigger is a blessing in disguise.  If it hadn't, we wouldn't be taking steps to enter this other trial.