Friday, March 18, 2011

Gaining some weight

I weighed Brody last night and he weighed in at 38.6 pounds... this is somewhat of a milestone since that was his weight the day he got hospitalized last year.  He still has some growing to do.... as he is a year older then last year.

The boys are going down to Trish's parents for the weekend... i'm sure they will have loads of fun.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Another good urinalysis report

Sorry for the lack of any updates but you can almost always assume that no news is good news.

We have been keeping Brody well hydrated and once again there was no blood in his urine this week-- they told him to come back again in 2 weeks to recheck.

We have been pretty busy, we had a combined birthday party last Saturday-- Brody turned 5 on March 3rd, Jaden turns 6 on March 23rd... and Bill turned 39 (again) on March 9th. We had some friends and family over and the kids had a great time playing games and we even had a magician come to the house to entertain.

Brody has been feeling pretty good-- his hair is still short but coming in fast. He is still very finicky so it is difficult for us to get him a balanced diet-- we try our best.

In the picture in the previous post-- we went down the bike trail that is across the street from our house (an old rail line they paved over)-- Geordi and Jaden rode their bikes and Brody ran after them (I would let them go a few hundred yards ahead of me and the dog and then wait for us to catch up)-- That picture was taken at the end of our road which is 3/4 of a mile from our house.... Brody ran (not continuously) there and back.

Not a whole lot more to report... we try to have fun every day-- the weather warming up (finally) has definitely helped that.

More later.....

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Brody and Lucy Racing

This is Brody and Lucy racing over an obstacle course at Sylvania Playland Last week

B-day last week

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Another good urinalysis result

Brody has had a good week.  He has been feeling very good, lots of hair coming back in (his eyelashes and eyebrows are back), and he has had NO visible blood in his urine this week.  We took a urine sample into hospital today and lab results all good on this one too. 
They had to do a monthly blood draw today at the hospital while we were there.  We didn't know that they were going to do a blood draw today either so we didn't put any EMLA cream on Brody's port access before we left to go to hospital (EMLA takes about an hour to numb the skin and has helped make all the "pokes" Brody has had to endure much more bearable).  The nurse offered to draw blood from Brody's arm but Brody was scared to do that since he is so much more used to just using the port access.  Unfortunately accessing the port requires much thicker needle than through arm.  Brody decided he would rather do that though because it's what he's used to even though we explained it would hurt less in the arm.  He wasn't convinced though.  So Brody endured accessing his port without his numbing cream.  And of course today when he didn't have his cream, the nurse was having a very hard time getting a good blood return after accessing the port.  Took a long time and was quite uncomfortable for Brody.  But he's a tough kid and didn't even cry one tear.  (His brothers would have been screaming if they ever had to go through what Brody did today with his port). 
Brody and Jaden are both really looking forward to their birthday party this weekend.  I can't believe Brody, my baby, is already 5years old and my little Jaden will be six in just a couple weeks.  Time goes by so fast! 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Urinalysis Results

Good news....We heard back a little while ago that they didn't measure any blood in his urine this week and we have not seen any visible in 8 days. We also got back today the results of they cytology analysis they did on his sample last week that did have blood in it... the results of the cytology were Negative meaning they did not see any cancer cells in his urine sample. We are continuing to keep Brody hydrated-- getting 64 ounces into him has been a chore-- we consider it success to get over 50 ounces into him. We still don't know what caused the bleeding.... no infection, but hopefully it was something that resolves itself-- the hydration seems to be helping.

Brody continues to have fun-- he is currently down at Trish's parents house-- they wanted to be there for a barn raising. Trish's parents are having some Amish people build it for them. Kids think its really cool to watch.

We took Brody to an indoor play place (has inflatable slide, swing sets, etc)-- called Sylvania Playland....  with his Brothers, Lucy from next door, and Kyle-- a friend of Geordi's from Kindergarten and first grade who lives up the road from us-- this past Sunday...this was an early birthday celebration-- we had pizza afterwards.....Brody turns 5 tomorrow.... I worked last night and Trish worked today... We are going down there tomorrow to get the boys and celebrate Brody's birthday... 

Not much else to report-- which is a good thing ;)
