As mentioned in a previous post, Body had his right nephrostomy tube removed on Thursday. He had a some pain overnight on his back where the tube was (not where he has had pain previously) but we think it was just tender from having it removed. It only bothered him when he was laying on it. It has not bothered him since Thursday night.
We were concerned about "positional" blockage of his ureter obstructing the kidney draining to his bladder so we monitored his fluid ins and out for a few days and they remained close-- Friday & Saturday he had about 1400ml - 1500ml "IN" and had about 200 ml less then this "out" both days. This is close enough that we weren't too concerned about obstruction-- he went pretty regularly throughout the day and at night too.
Brody's left kidney is still not producing much (this kidney-- if we assume all the urine it produces flows into the bag oly produces about 1/10th as much as his right) and any time we have capped off the tube he starts having pain within a few hours as the pressure in the kidney builds up. He is scheduled to have this tube replaced on Thursday.
Trish and the boys left Sunday morning and got down to Pigeon Forge Tennessee about 9 pm... they rented a cabin there and were supposed to meet Trish's mom there who was coming back up from Chattanooga Tennessee after visiting Trish's sister. They will be there until Wednesday. Hopefully they have nice weather. I have to stay home and work this week-- we are having a maintenance outage (6 days) starting Tuesday and there wasn't any chance I was going to be able to take time off this week.
We changed Brody's dressings on Saturday-- the hole where his right nephrostomy tube was looked to be nearly completly healed but we put a small dressing back on it for now... should be healed up well enough to remove by now but the dressing on his left tube is partially overlapping it so we will likely just leave this on until thursday unless he has to have it changed before then (if it starts coming off or what not)-- Brody does NOT like the tape coming off.
Not much else to report-- the boys have been doing pretty well in their homeschooling and are hopefully enjoying their fall break.
Glad to hear every one doing well. Really miss you all.