Monday, August 27, 2012

Brody is feeling better today but still has to stay in the hospital for now

Brody has been feeling much better today.   He has had much more energy,  laughing and goofing around with his brothers,  sitting up on couch most of the day (rather than lying in bed),  and even took a fairly long walk through the halls at the hospital today.   I enjoyed seeing Brody return to his usual self today.   The urine cultures are still negative from Friday and Saturday.   And,  Brody has not had anymore high fevers since Saturday morning.   So that's all good stuff.   Brody's white blood cell count is still extremely low though (pretty much zero).   He can't go home until he has an ANC of at least 500 and so he's not anywhere close to that yet.   Brody will be continuing with the IV antibiotics and Neupogen injections (to help increase his white blood cells).   Brody is greatly missing being home.   So hope the white blood cell count starts heading in the right direction soon and that the infection stays away.  


  1. Soooooooooooo glad he is feeling better. Go up white count.

    1. Brody's little blood cels must have heard you. They're up!
      And, Brody's home and feeling pretty good!



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