Wednesday, May 23, 2012

If you would like to help out, here is a link to a care calendar that has been set-up by friends and family

I know a lot of you are offering to help in anyway you can and I know Bill, Tricia, and her family really appreciate all of your support.  Right now it is hard to figure out exactly what everybody needs because things are changing every day.  Tricia's cousin Shawnda and I (Barbie) have created a calendar to help address some needs we are aware of currently.  We will continue to add to it as any needs arise.  If you would like to log on, each day is listed as to ways you can help, whether it be a meal, or something else.  If there are any questions, both of our names and phone numbers are listed and please don't hesitate to call us.  There is also a link to the blog that Bill and Tricia keep updated with Brody's progress.  Again, we thank you for your support for their family and continue to ask for your prayers.

Calendar ID:  113529
Security Code:   2874
Shawnda and Barbie

1 comment:

  1. Ok people I have requests from the boys, straight from the horses mouth, because I could hear them in the background! ;) 1. Brody REALLY wants a Nintendo 3DS. (The school collected money and is giving it to Trish tomorrow, so we are thinking that will cover that.) 2. The 3DS games Brody really wants are a. Mario Cart 7 b. Spiderman c. Batman. 3. Jaden and Geordie like to collect Pokemon cards. 4. Brody isn't eating much, but likes suckers. 5. The boys love legos, but keep them simple. (Something for age 6!) 6. If someone could repot, care for, and send Brody pictures of his beans and sunflowers he had planted, that would be great. He was super excited about growing them.


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